Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Politics - July 1979

In July 1979, I was 9, and my world was focused on making sure that I was at the swimming pool at 1:00 p.m. when it opened, avoiding my obnoxious brother at all costs and pretending that I was one of Charlie's Angels. Out of curiosity, I googled the date to find out what was really happening in the world in July of 1979 (clearly I am procrastinating on working). What I found on wikipedia was rather timely and interesting (at least to me, the political junkie):

Assistant Senate Republican leader Ted Stevens says President Carter “might be having some sort of a mental problem” and suggested that the chief executive “take a rest.” He said he was prompted by cloakroom talk about Carter’s shakeup of his Administration, and because Carter is commander in chief of the military. “I thought we were looking at another I know we’re looking at another Nixon.”

Ted Stevens was indicted yesterday for corruption charges....and he is linking Carter to Nixon. Priceless.

President Carter outlines a six-point program to reduce the current level of oil imports by 50% by 1990. The quota would be met by conservation and development of substitute fuels. The U.S. imports about 9 million barrels a day.

What would the world be like if Carter had been re-elected in 1980 - maybe gas would not be $4.00 a gallon and hybrids would have made their debut in 1988.

Now, while I find these things interesting, if Dan reads this blogpost, he would comment "it just goes to show that nothing ever changes in politics."

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