If you have never heard of Webkinz, please read on so you are fully informed about this toy, and if you are a parent with a child who has a Webkinz, you may understand my rant.
So, what is a Webkinz? It is a stuffed animal that comes with a computer code so that you can create a "virtual pet". I had never heard of Webkinz until my conservative sister-in-law mentioned that she was buying one for my niece and nephew for Christmas. Once the "pet" is adopted, it comes with an allowance for the child to purchase food and items for the pet. Once the money is spent, there are games for the child to "earn" more money - some of which are educational, but most of which are not. My kids love Zoo Tycoon, and so I thought this seemed like something they would like. The Webkinz arrived at our house on Christmas morning from "Santa".
Six months later and I detest the evil Webkinz. Dan calls Webkinz crack for kids. My kids have played computer games before, but the Webkinz has an addictive aspect to it that we have not experienced with other computer games. The first thing the kids want to do in the morning: play Webkinz. The first thing they want to do after school: play Webkinz. Given the opportunity, they would play Webkinz non-stop for days on end.
There are many problems with the addictive nature of Webkinz, but it is compounded in our family. In addition to limiting computer time, I have to come up with a schedule for computer time and then enforce the schedule, aka:
Mark: "But, Mom, I just need one more minute to put my pet to bed"
Me: "Mark, get off the computer. It is your brother's turn."
Mark: "Okay, Mom".
Me: "MARK! Your turn is over."
Mark: "I know. O.K."
Andrew: "Mom, Mark is not getting off the computer."
Me - At this point, I am wishing for the early 1980s commercial for Calgon Bubble Bath to come true: "Calgon....take me away!!"
You get the picture. Evil, vile toy. I have enough battles to referee among the kids, and Webkinz has just added to it. The light at the end of the tunnel - the Webkinz code "expires" after a year, unless you pay more money. Darn. Only six more months to go....
P.S. The photograph is a picture of the "Love Frog" Webkinz courtesy of Mark...and the Irony of the name has not escaped me.
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